Our educational and research projects

Advances in Diabetes and Insulin Therapy Conference (ADIT)
Target group : Clinical diabetologists, investigators
Main goal of ADIT conference is transfer of latest diabetes research and studies into clinical practice and improvement of patient care quality through education.
More information: www.adit-conf.org

ADIT Course in Clinical Diabetology (CcD)
The aim of the course is to establish a platform for discussion about clinical dilemmas related to diabetes management with key experts in the field. We strive to deliver educational outcomes through versatile meeting design enabling active and problem solving communication in small size working and focus groups.
Diabetes Management in Primary Care (DMPC)
Target group : family and general practice doctors, nurses, diabetologists, nutritionists, educators. Primary goal of the conference is to improve the diabetes diagnose, prevention and management on primary healthcare level through healthcare stakeholders basic science education and skills implementation. Project is in pipeline for 2021.

High level of clinical inertia in insulin initiation in type 2 diabetes across Central and South-Eastern Europe: insights from SITIP study
Study of Insulin Therapy initiation in Type2Diabetes in Routine
Clinical Practice. SITIP is an international, multi center,
crosssectional survey of diabetes specialists and endocrinolog-ists in 8 plus countries of central and southeastern Europe.
Collection and analyses of relevant data is requisite to reveal
differences in initiation of insulin therapy in T2DM therapy in
routine clinical practice across participating countries. Based on study results, the team can continue with further studies and
development of common treatment guidelines and recommendations.
Link to published article: Acta Diabetologia Journal
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids favourably modulate cardiometabolic biomarkers in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials
Our study reports a major new indication for n-3PUFA intake: improvement in lipid profile and markers of inflammation without adverse effects on LDL or HbA1c. Neither duration of supplementation nor dosage of n-3PUFAs statistically explain the observed heterogeneity meaning that optimal treatment patterns for clinical practice are yet to be determined and further research is warranted. Future precision medicine trials should aim to establish whether interactions between n-3PUFAs and cardiometabolic biomarkers are modified by patient level characteristics to improve response to supplementation in T2DM and whether such improvements are observed in T1DM.
Link to published article: Cardiovascular Diabetology Journal
Impact of ideal cardiovascular health in childhood on the retinal microvasculature in mid adulthood: The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study